Just wanted to share some pictures with you gals. I have to say that I am so sorry that there are not pictures of my swaps in the blog this year. I took pictures of my book swap and my ornament swap and my stocking swap. I laid them all out and took wonderful pictures and sized them and put them all in order and when I went back yesterday to load them on to blogger they were gone, just gone.......... so I will just thank the gals via email and I will try to be a much better blogger in this new year............ Now on to the Christmas pictures..

This is the only picture that was left of my blogging pictures. This was the ornament that was sent to me by Mama Bear over at
Bears In Exile. She is such a blessing in my life and I will keep this beautiful ornament for years to come.

This is the only picture that we could get of Zeke sitting still. He is our 9 year old Schnauzer. He is really beautiful and he loves company.

My son Chris. He was given this art work from his Uncle Paul. I wish I had taken a closer picture but if you click on it you will see it is a beautiful picture. It is wonderful to have an artist in the family. You are never lacking pictures for the wall.
(girls, Chris is still single)

Mom was intrigued with her cross word puzzle book. She is very very smart at cross word puzzles and I try to keep a stack of them for her. It is good for her mind to stay active.

PE and Dad digging into something. Not sure but they were enjoying their packages.

Dad was digging out his goodies from his stocking. I made them each stockings this year. I had pictures of them but they went into never never land along with my blog pictures.
PE was opening his M & M package. PE and Alpha both LOVE M & M's. When the get a bad they count them out so that each will have equal share. How funny is that. So I found these little round M& M containers and I got one for each of them one red and one yellow so that they could each have their own bunch. I think PE was more excited about that little gift than any other. I also got them a big back of Christmas M & M's.

This is Uncle Ed. He and mom had such a great day. It warms my heart to see them together.

My sweet DH having a peek at something in that bag.. He is such a hoot!

It almost looks like Chris is directing music or something...........
hahahhaha Not sure but Mom is enjoying her new socks.

I put lots of things in mothers stocking so that she would have lots to see and unwrap. She was like a little girl and it was fun to watch her.

Now this is Tisha, she is my cousin, Ed's daughter. She and Harold have moved just around the corner from me and Dennis. I have several quilt tops that belonged to our Grandmother Potts, Mom and Edwards mother. I had delusions of grandeur that I would be able to hand quilt them and give them to each of the grandchildren but that is not going to happen, I will not live that long!
hahah So I am having them quilted. I had this one quilted for Tisha this year. There are pieces of material in that quilt that she recognized from grandmothers house. She was surprised and she was moved. It is a beautiful quilt and I was so blessed to give it to her. I have a couple more that I will have quilted this year and give away next Christmas. I want to give a couple more away to those that will take care of them and enjoy the blessing of a quilt from grandmother.

She was so surprised.

I have kept it a secret from her for the past few months. What a blessing to give it to her.

My sweet DH was surprised with this tool box for his truck. Chris got it for him and had it customized with King Ranch stickers on both sides. It is very very nice and it now sits in the bed of his King Ranch truck. He was a happy camper.

Zeke was taking much interest in that tool box. Maybe because it was so shinny.

Now this is funny. My brother loves loves loves my cornbread dressing. He comes in every Thanksgiving and every Christmas and goes to my dressing. He always says that he hates that he only gets dressing twice a year. So this year I made a really big batch of dressing before Christmas and made him 18 small pans of dressing for him to take home and put in his freezer. He has always said that the dressing is better the next day than the first day. He was just tickled and it was a fun thing to do....... Home made gifts are always the best!

I have no idea what was in this box. I just love giving gifts. I always go over board and I have tried to stop. One year I did back off a lot and I was miserable!
hahaha So I got back to my old self and I so love giving. He is 40 so we buy him lots of tools and things for his house. This year he got new curtains for his living room and power tools for his new air compressor. If he would ever get married his wife could spend her money and I could save mine!
While we were on vacation in Arkansas this past October I found this wonderful hat for mom. She loves hats and she has a closet full of them. It has beads all around the brim. I need to take her somewhere so that she can wear her hat.

Uncle Ed and Mom. A picture to treasure.

Tisha and her dad uncle Ed.

Mom and dad. A picture is worth a thousand words.

Christopher Dale my son. He is more a blessing to me than he will ever know.

Brother Paul and Chris. They are cut from the same pattern. They are both full of it and you not tell by those faces and they are very close.

Just a few pictures of some of my Christmas decor. I so love Christmas

View into the living room from the kitchen.

Across the dining room. Toward the front door. We are going to remodel the kitchen and dining room this spring. I am excited!

My husband was getting hungry.

A bit blurry and I guess it was due to his starving! ahhahah

Not sure what she was doing here but all her attention was on that one item.

Now you know that I do not put pictures of me on my blog.. I am so ashamed of the weight that I have gained and I AM going to loose it this year. ANYway, I was unwrapping my gift from Chris and the more I got the paper off the more I realizes what it was. It is a beautiful mirror from the Good Book Store where Tisha is the store manager. She and Chris conspired and she told him that I had my eye on that mirror for some time now. It is very very heavy and Chris had to help me hold it up. I was thrilled.

As for me and my house we will serve the Lord. I have just the place for it in my kitchen when I get it painted.

We got Chris a set of Paula Dean cook ware. He mentioned a few months back that all his pots and pans were wore out. Sooooooooo we found this wonderful set of copper bottoms and stainless steel with copper tops and handles. Very nice. He cooks more than I do. He was thrilled. He will make a great husband one of these days. He cooks for us a few times in the summer out on the grill. In fact he AND my husband are good cooks.
He said that he was making scrambled eggs the day before Christmas and got so aggravated that he almost threw the pot in the trash. I told him he could do that now AND I told him he owes me and Dennis a meal.

Edward and mom again. They look a lot alike don't you think?

Tisha and Edward...

Mom was having a bit of a rough day. She did not even remember much the following day. Some good days some bad days. I am learning.
It was a good day. It was a very good day.