Please pray, mom is not doing well at all. We think some sort of breakdown. We have her on new medicine and we are very hopeful. It is such an emotional time for me and I do need the prayer of my friends...

We will finish moving all of mom's furniture today. We have shampooed the carpets. We have removed all of Dad's things (that was a tough day) and we have put up things in her house to make it personal for her. Today we will take her recliners home and go shopping for some junk food and small cans of pop. I keep telling her that she is going home tomorrow but she then will ask me where home is. So I have no idea how this is going to play out but we are giving her every chance in the world to live alone.
We are taking the bathroom door off so that if she does fall we can get to her without breaking down the door. I am buying baby monitors and placing by her bed and one by my bed so that when she gets up in the night to go to the bathroom I will hear her. If she takes too long to get back to bed I can log on to the web site and see if she is ok.
I think we have done all we can do to keep her safe I pray that it works for her. We are giving her every opportunity to go home and if this does not work we are going to see about the Assisted Living Center here in town. We have her on the list and it is a wonderful place and they take wonderful care of their little people. They called us several weeks ago but mother was not in any condition to be moved so we turned the room down. Now that she is doing so much better, she is able to live there. I have just prayed about all of this and I am letting the Lord direct me.
Mom seems to be doing much better now and the crying has stopped. She is getting up and doing things around the house and puts her dishes in the sink and moves from her computer to her chair and reads and crochets and then back to her computer with out prompting from me. I am very encouraged with her progress and her nurse seems to think that the way we have handled it has been wonderful. She needed to come over here for a while to sort through her feelings but now maybe she can live in her house with me right next door.
So I am busy cleaning carpets and putting food back in the fridge. She just needs her junk food and some of her favorite sodas. Maybe some lunch food and of course her Frito's and peanut butter cookies. ( I need those things out of my house anyway, hahahah I love junk food. )
I so believe that what the Lord has called us to do HE will make a way, and for right now it is to take care of mother. There are those that think we are wrong but I really need to do what is in my heart.
I had to go back to Dr yesterday to get help with my back. Legs going numb now and toes getting worse and the pain is enough to keep me up at nights. I might be getting 3-4 hours sleep at best.
She put me on another round of cortisone , which I hate taking because it gives me such headaches but it does wonders then she scheduled another MRI for this coming Tuesday. It has been 2 1/2 years since the last one.
AND DO NOT FORGET ME! I promise to be a better blog buddy....... I have mixed feelings about the summer coming to an end. I love being outside but I have more time in the winter to blog!
As most of you know I lost my precious dad on July 2nd and even typing that here it does not seem real. He has been right here out side my back door for 3 years. I walked across that yard 3-4 time a day for a long time and the last few months I spent many hours over there..I think that I have not even began to grieve, however I now have my mom in the house with me and Dennis and I can tell you it has changed my life. I wish I could say for the good but no it is not for the good and I am really really working and adjusting. However with all my adjusting yesterday just caught up with me and I crashed.
NOW ladies, I love my mom very very much but there are days..She has stopped asking for Dad and now she is wanting to go home, so I am hoping that will pass as well. Lots of days she cries a lot and that breaks my heart so I just cry with her.
I have home health nurse coming in Mon-Wed-Fri. but they are here for just a half hour or so, and the aid and the PT girl is here on Mondays and Thursdays to bath mom and to do her exercises, but they are here for just an hour or so.I have hired a gal to come in on Wednesdays at 10-3 so I can plan any appointments like hair and shopping. It helps but when you talk about 24/7 the few hours that they are here in the house is just not enough.
I was just overwhelmed with all the cards and ecards when I lost dad... thank you again, and thank you for the prayers as I figure this out and take care of my mom.