Me and my two son's.
What a day........... This past Friday me and Darryl (he came down from Springdale)
to landscape the front of Chris's house. It was a blank pallet. The best kind.
We decided to move the border just a bit, you see the blue hose marking out our new path. We needed to make room for a new tree!
He gave us permission to do anything we wanted! How is that for faith!
I think going shopping with them was the most fun. We laughed and laughed and had to make those hard decisions. So many flowers so little room!
Of course, while we were there, some woman smacked into the back of a parked car. Chris being in uniform jumped right in there and got all the info from both people and in a few minutes a local office showed up and all was well. So while he was doing his duty we were spending his money! Lots of Encore Azalea's . If you have not seen them , they bloom many times in a season. Beautiful !
They are everywhere, flowers, they are everywhere. What to buy, be still my heart!
Darryl (on the left) is busy getting information about a couple of plants that we are unfamiliar with. I am off somewhere else just drooling. BUT !!!! I did not buy ONE thing for me, not one thing! Can you believe that?
Now tell me, how in the world do you make a decision about a small place when you really want enough to plant an acre! It is a good thing that I am older and not younger, there is no telling what my ten acres would look like!
Now comes the work, and you do not see me in there do you! I am the project supervisor. How do you like that split in that boy's britches!

In goes the FREE Japanese Maple !Yep, I said free! It is good to have friends that do landscaping for a living. (I got one too and now I need to finish my yard)
Oh the energy of the younger generation. Wait, they are not the younger generation! One is 41 and the other is 45! BUT when I was in my 40's I could have kept up with them till the sun went down! I hate getting old!
Several hours later! Look at that! Beautiful ......... Job well done........ It will be such an improvement to his property. Can't wait to see it all filled in! Wish dad were here, he had a green thumb and grew flowers all his life.
That little extra shape to the border sure did turn out nice. Gave it just a bit of personality! It needed to have a bit of personality, the boy that lives there has more than his share........ Between the two of them it was a wild day!
Now Chris's keep it watered. Tender lovin care will make it grow... He is lovin' it !
Had to have a couple of hanging pots! Finish off the front of the house. AND it is hard to see but I was in charge of the planter across the top. It has candy stripe Phlox and behind that is mixed Vinca (periwinkles).This faces south so they will LOVE the hot sun and they will grow and spread and look great! The Phlox will not bloom till next spring but it will be pretty and green all summer.
He is a happy camper. (The week before that I put monkey grass around his tree in the front and along the wall right by his feet.) Give that a month or two and things will look mighty spiffy! (is that a real word)
This mom had a wonderful day. A wonderful day.