We have this beautiful oak tree just south of our house and with the old fence it was left out of the yard.......So this weekend we moved the fence.....
Here is the old fence or what it left of it. It was my joy to take down the fence boards and that was a job......... but I got it done. Now we need to dig up the old posts and move the bench.
This gives you a better look at the old fence to the left...... what a day... You can see the new fence to the left. The back side is finished and not over to the tree. It is going to make a huge difference in the size of the yard. Right back there to the left where you see the large tree is where I plan on putting my garden.... What ya think? It will get good sun but shade in the heat of the day.
Here is the west side and the oak tree right there in front of you. The gap in the fence is for a gate...... Yipee! I do not have a gate on the south side so that will be great........
There is that beautiful oak tree..... the fence will go right up to it ---- half in and half out of the fence........ We are going to build a round bench around the trunk on the inside ....... that will be too cute don't you think?
Then when the fence is finished I will plant a garden out by that tree.. It will shade the veggies from the hot west sun and maybe I will have an abundance of veggies......
Now right here is the east side of the fence now and to the right of those two trees is a kind of scooped our area. I am going to make a Hosta garden there...... Around that tree and then down the rocks. ( I have been tossing rocks over there as we moved them for the fence) It is a larger area than it looks but I will take a picture when I get that finished. I think that will look sweet!!!!!!!!!!!
The fence is finished now but I do not have a picture but it is wonderful.. I will take a picture later when I get the yard cleaned up...
My sweet DH is taking week after next off and we will get the yard work started. We need to make a trip to Fort Worth Thursday . My high dollar embroidery machine quit yesterday and we have to take the "brain" to be fixed. Mercy, no telling what that will cost but without the brain it is just a big piece of metal worth nothing but using as a boat anchor! I do not own a boat so I guess it is to Texas to be fixed.
As for Mom and Dad, that is another post........ They are ok but this has not been a good week for either of them. Prayer is always needed. I am so concerned for Dad this week. He is stage 3 kidney failure and more anemic than Mother. Speak his name in prayer for me please.
Headed to bed, love you all........